Euro 2020 Bracket Standings

rank | name | winner | points | % prediction accuracy |
1 | Domenic domvar22 | Italy | 182 | 72.8 |
2 | Anirudh imtiredrobbie | Italy | 179 | 71.6 |
3 | Wairi wombatizmailov | Italy | 178 | 71.2 |
4 | Anirudh AnirudhShenoy_ | England | 155 | 62 |
5 | Omid Alfabigbang | England | 151 | 60.4 |
6 | Ahmed UTDTruth | England | 150 | 60 |
7 | Nandy nandy_sd | Italy | 118 | 47.2 |
8 | Rahul RahulIyer32 | Italy | 117 | 46.8 |
9 | Anant anantm14 | Italy | 116 | 46.4 |
9 | Jamie kirkwithane | Italy | 116 | 46.4 |
9 | Rithwik rithwikrajendra | Italy | 116 | 46.4 |
12 | Fabiola fabiola_cejku | Italy | 114 | 45.6 |
13 | Gail | Italy | 102 | 40.8 |
14 | Divine dxvin3 | Italy | 101 | 40.4 |
15 | José Fernando barelylegalx | England | 95 | 38 |
16 | Aaron amonizfootball | France | 94 | 37.6 |
16 | Bradley cafcbrad | France | 94 | 37.6 |
18 | Max MTaylor1_ | England | 91 | 36.4 |
18 | Yuwan U1sid | Belgium | 91 | 36.4 |
20 | Mohit mohit2690 | France | 89 | 35.6 |
20 | Sam GoalAnalysis | Spain | 89 | 35.6 |
22 | Kevin S | England | 88 | 35.2 |
22 | Vagelis vagelismufc | France | 88 | 35.2 |
24 | Bryce brycefrentz | France | 86 | 34.4 |
25 | Danny D_C_L_07 | France | 85 | 34 |
26 | Francesco ItalianHawker | England | 84 | 33.6 |
26 | Harsh ftblhk | England | 84 | 33.6 |
26 | Joth pompeystats | Portugal | 84 | 33.6 |
26 | Matt trevillion_ | France | 84 | 33.6 |
26 | Oliver oliver_how | England | 84 | 33.6 |
26 | Pierre pierrecheval_ | France | 84 | 33.6 |
32 | Josh jammin__josh | France | 83 | 33.2 |
32 | Neil nragavan3011 | Belgium | 83 | 33.2 |
32 | Patrick Caskie CaskiePatrick | France | 83 | 33.2 |
32 | Regan regan_sg | England | 83 | 33.2 |
32 | Rory RoryyWatkinss | France | 83 | 33.2 |
37 | Elizabeth xlizabetho | France | 82 | 32.8 |
37 | Taylor trillanocap | France | 82 | 32.8 |
39 | Keerthi keerthikrlshna | France | 81 | 32.4 |
39 | Mahadevan PendelEffekt | France | 81 | 32.4 |
39 | Maram maramperninety | England | 81 | 32.4 |
39 | Matthew Woodburn thedoormattt | France | 81 | 32.4 |
39 | Rohit Rao rohit4_ | England | 81 | 32.4 |
44 | Gunasekaran gunasek_ | France | 80 | 32 |
44 | Luke GriffinFtbl | England | 80 | 32 |
44 | Rajat rajats97 | France | 80 | 32 |
47 | Jenish jenish2147 | England | 79 | 31.6 |
47 | RRB downtownfunk0 | France | 79 | 31.6 |
47 | Suwaid doobdibdab | Germany | 79 | 31.6 |
50 | Aditya futbol_noob | France | 78 | 31.2 |
50 | Naima neymiana | France | 78 | 31.2 |
50 | Shan ksezzxot | Belgium | 78 | 31.2 |
53 | Aniket Aniket_Thorat_ | England | 77 | 30.8 |
53 | Ben BenMUFC__ | France | 77 | 30.8 |
53 | Griffith Nipah breezy_Xcoba | England | 77 | 30.8 |
53 | Kamalesh sonus2002 | England | 77 | 30.8 |
57 | Amalesh GanchuSankar10 | England | 76 | 30.4 |
57 | Easaa EasaaManiyar | England | 76 | 30.4 |
59 | Rohan rohanbardhan12 | France | 75 | 30 |
60 | Adam MillarHistory | England | 74 | 29.6 |
60 | Rahul rahulw_ | France | 74 | 29.6 |
60 | Sushant Kaw TooKawsome | France | 74 | 29.6 |
60 | Uche UcheOkolo99 | France | 74 | 29.6 |
64 | Naveenan opinutd | France | 73 | 29.2 |
64 | Varun varunakaash | England | 73 | 29.2 |
66 | Conor conohm | France | 72 | 28.8 |
66 | Hassan comredhf | Portugal | 72 | 28.8 |
66 | Kevin byrnesupremacy | France | 72 | 28.8 |
66 | Leticia | England | 72 | 28.8 |
66 | Yima theiratebandit | France | 72 | 28.8 |
71 | Joe JMFball | France | 71 | 28.4 |
72 | Jose jnavarro129 | Croatia | 70 | 28 |
72 | chunhang chunhang7 | France | 70 | 28 |
74 | Brandon bwarner514 | France | 69 | 27.6 |
74 | Manuhe ManuheF | Germany | 69 | 27.6 |
76 | Karthik Karthiksanthos7 | France | 68 | 27.2 |
77 | CC fujisaas | Portugal | 67 | 26.8 |
78 | Harman harman_ivivi | France | 66 | 26.4 |
78 | Lester | Germany | 66 | 26.4 |
80 | CJ CJ_9150 | France | 65 | 26 |
80 | HG HGenemo | France | 65 | 26 |
80 | Kate fedginator | France | 65 | 26 |
83 | Ajay Srivathsa G AjayG_04 | France | 64 | 25.6 |
83 | Conrad thedarkconrises | France | 64 | 25.6 |
83 | Sameer SevenSameerai | Belgium | 64 | 25.6 |
86 | Matt Peasey_ | Portugal | 63 | 25.2 |
87 | Archie | Portugal | 62 | 24.8 |
87 | Enrique egudino20 | Germany | 62 | 24.8 |
87 | George gkysaad | England | 62 | 24.8 |
87 | Jack JJJashby | Portugal | 62 | 24.8 |
87 | Mo Vicinitytt | Germany | 62 | 24.8 |
87 | Tony | Germany | 62 | 24.8 |
87 | Vishnu Anandraj vishnua711 | Portugal | 62 | 24.8 |
87 | Yusuf inside7__ | France | 62 | 24.8 |
95 | Quang Duc shaWshank_15 | Portugal | 61 | 24.4 |
95 | Thano ToTal_ftbl | France | 61 | 24.4 |
97 | Felix lgopfelix | France | 60 | 24 |
97 | Orlando 0rland1nho | France | 60 | 24 |
97 | PARITOSH parito_0 | Spain | 60 | 24 |
97 | rob robmolou | France | 60 | 24 |
101 | Alex alexfrco | France | 59 | 23.6 |
101 | Boris Klupa56 | France | 59 | 23.6 |
101 | Matt MattTorez | Ukraine | 59 | 23.6 |
101 | Shriram ShriramBhosal11 | Spain | 59 | 23.6 |
105 | Jake JakeFarr12 | Portugal | 58 | 23.2 |
105 | Kevin | France | 58 | 23.2 |
105 | Matt mattcres | France | 58 | 23.2 |
105 | Ninad NinadB_06 | France | 58 | 23.2 |
105 | Pavan thehopelesskiid | France | 58 | 23.2 |
105 | Yashodhan yashnakhare | France | 58 | 23.2 |
111 | AR crmsnn | Belgium | 57 | 22.8 |
111 | Caleb _ca10k | Portugal | 57 | 22.8 |
111 | PC PC_TalksFooty | Belgium | 57 | 22.8 |
114 | David Ayovelli | France | 56 | 22.4 |
114 | David davidlilian18 | France | 56 | 22.4 |
114 | Harsh Mishra simplywink | Germany | 56 | 22.4 |
117 | Arsh igodeep69 | Portugal | 55 | 22 |
117 | Jayden PayedItSimple | France | 55 | 22 |
117 | Joel joelbailey_ | France | 55 | 22 |
117 | John j0hn_stats | France | 55 | 22 |
117 | Mossy Hehir mossy_1998 | Germany | 55 | 22 |
117 | Yash YASHsh | France | 55 | 22 |
123 | Alex alextowells | France | 54 | 21.6 |
123 | Alfred CallmeAlfredo | France | 54 | 21.6 |
123 | Andrew andrewyguo | Belgium | 54 | 21.6 |
123 | Karan KPadgaonkar | France | 54 | 21.6 |
123 | Mieszko AustriackaPilka | France | 54 | 21.6 |
123 | Vishakh VishC24 | France | 54 | 21.6 |
129 | Caio CcBatatinha | Portugal | 53 | 21.2 |
129 | Chris chrisdesousa16 | Portugal | 53 | 21.2 |
129 | Matt prickwhitman | France | 53 | 21.2 |
129 | Sihle Mqingwana sobelweski_mqi | Belgium | 53 | 21.2 |
133 | Parth pathaleee | France | 52 | 20.8 |
134 | Amaar Khankilla1 | France | 51 | 20.4 |
134 | Ciaran COArsenal | France | 51 | 20.4 |
134 | Kees HemmenKees | Netherlands | 51 | 20.4 |
134 | Milton MiltonABrown | Portugal | 51 | 20.4 |
134 | Snehnagsu _snehangsu | Belgium | 51 | 20.4 |
139 | Arun ManUtdSZN | Belgium | 50 | 20 |
139 | Iain RidleyIR | France | 50 | 20 |
139 | Josh josh_caldwell1 | Belgium | 50 | 20 |
139 | Mason masonmosl3y | Portugal | 50 | 20 |
139 | Musa Musa_Bavarian | Belgium | 50 | 20 |
139 | S analyticfanatic | Portugal | 50 | 20 |
145 | David ayeayeronu | Germany | 49 | 19.6 |
145 | Joe Lyons JoeLyonsJourno | France | 49 | 19.6 |
145 | Kshitij HowAboutThatt_ | Portugal | 49 | 19.6 |
145 | Mustafa MKFtbl | Portugal | 49 | 19.6 |
145 | Teemu tteemu8 | Germany | 49 | 19.6 |
150 | Brian Abutti Not on Twitter | France | 48 | 19.2 |
150 | Danny calcio_danny | France | 48 | 19.2 |
150 | Ronan ronanmann | Portugal | 48 | 19.2 |
150 | Yash itsyashdani | France | 48 | 19.2 |
154 | Chris chrisprice0291 | Portugal | 47 | 18.8 |
154 | Diana | Germany | 47 | 18.8 |
154 | Matthew MatthewVenn28 | Belgium | 47 | 18.8 |
154 | Michael Moniz MJMoniz1 | Belgium | 47 | 18.8 |
154 | RB RB1805 | Belgium | 47 | 18.8 |
154 | Silas nerdn7 | France | 47 | 18.8 |
154 | Theo scfctheo | France | 47 | 18.8 |
154 | Tiago TiagoDCJPII | Spain | 47 | 18.8 |
162 | Lee Chandler lee_chandler_ | France | 46 | 18.4 |
162 | Sreyas Venkataramanan imsreyas_7 | France | 46 | 18.4 |
164 | Gary Kirk GKBoston | Portugal | 44 | 17.6 |
165 | Milhan Kloppista_LFC | France | 43 | 17.2 |
166 | Joel joelhmallen | Portugal | 42 | 16.8 |
167 | Jack BrockyJay | France | 41 | 16.4 |
168 | Elias spagyama | Germany | 40 | 16 |
168 | Yatin yatin_kapur | France | 40 | 16 |
168 | apermadi ariothole | Germany | 40 | 16 |
171 | Karan Karan_Mathew | Portugal | 38 | 15.2 |
171 | doxaj d7xaj | Portugal | 38 | 15.2 |
173 | Sumukh utdsumukh7 | Belgium | 36 | 14.4 |
Points Awarded Thus Far
The following criteria is used to establish the current points standings to date, with points total for each included in brackets:
- Italy: 1st in Group A (1), Qualified for Round of 16 (1), Qualified for Quarterfinal (4), Qualified for Semifinal (8), Qualified for Final (16), Winners of Euro 2020 (32)
- Wales: 2nd in Group A (1), Qualified for Round of 16 (1)
- Switzerland: 3rd in Group A (1), Qualified for Round of 16 (1), Qualified for Quarterfinal (4)
- Turkey: 4th in Group A (1), Did not Qualify for Round of 16 (1)
- Belgium: 1st in Group B(1), Qualified for Round of 16 (1), Qualified for Quarterfinal (4)
- Denmark: 2nd in Group B (1), Qualified for Round of 16 (1), Qualified for Quarterfinal (4), Qualified for Semifinal (8)
- Finland: 3rd in Group B (1), Did not Qualify for Round of 16 (1)
- Russia: 4th in Group B (1), Did not Qualify for Round of 16 (1)
- Netherlands: 1st in Group C (1), Qualified for Round of 16 (1)
- Austria: 2nd in Group C (1), Qualified for Round of 16 (1)
- Ukraine: 3rd in Group C (1), Qualified for Round of 16 (1), Qualified for Quarterfinal (4)
- North Macedonia: 4th in Group C (1), Did not Qualify for Round of 16 (1)
- England: 1st in Group D (1), Qualified for Round of 16 (1), Qualified for Quarterfinal (4), Qualified for Semifinal (8), Qualified for Final (16)
- Croatia: 2nd in Group D (1), Qualified for Round of 16 (1)
- Czech Republic: 3rd in Group D (1), Qualified for Round of 16 (1), Qualified for Quarterfinal (4)
- Scotland: 4th in Group D (1), Did not Qualify for Round of 16 (1)
- Sweden: 1st in Group E (1), Qualified for Round of 16 (1)
- Spain: 2nd in Group E (1), Qualified for Round of 16 (1), Qualified for Quarterfinal (4), Qualified for Semifinal (8)
- Slovakia: 3rd in Group E (1), Did not Qualify for Round of 16 (1)
- Poland: 4th in Group E (1), Did not Qualify for Round of 16 (1)
- France: 1st in Group F (1), Qualified for Round of 16 (1)
- Germany: 2nd in Group F (1), Qualified for Round of 16 (1)
- Portugal: 3rd in Group F (1), Qualified for Round of 16 (1)
- Hungary: 4th in Group F (1), Did not Qualify for Round of 16
- Belgium vs Portugal in Round of 16 (2)
- Italy vs Austria in Round of 16 (2)
- France vs Switzerland in Round of 16 (2)
- Croatia vs Spain in Round of 16 (2)
- Sweden vs Ukraine in Round of 16 (2)
- England vs Germany in Round of 16 (2)
- Netherlands vs Czech Republic in Round of 16 (2)
- Wales vs Denmark in Round of 16 (2)
- Belgium vs Italy in the Quarterfinal (4)
- Spain vs Switzerland in the Quarterfinal (4)
- Ukraine vs England in the Quarterfinal (4)
- Czech Republic vs Denmark in the Quarterfinal (4)
- Italy vs Spain in the Semifinal (8)
- England vs Denmark in the Semifinal (8)
- Italy vs England in the Final (26)
Highest possible total: 218 points
Disclaimer: The standings are taken directly from Python and should be over 95% correct, but I cannot fully guarantee that scores are correct due to the volume of entries this year, and I am happy to take a look at your entry if you believe it’s marked incorrectly at any point. Please let me know based on the scoring tally above. The tournament points list is given below:
Round of 16
- 1 point for correct ranking of each team in group (24)
- 1 point for team advancing/not advancing correct but wrong ranking (24)
- 2 point bonus for correct Round of 16 fixture (added at the end of the previous round) (16)
- 4 points for each team in the quarterfinals (32)
- 4 point bonus for correct fixture (16)
- 8 points for each team in the semifinals (32)
- 8 points fixture bonus (16)
- 16 points for each team in the finals (32)
- 26 points fixture bonus for both teams correct (26)
- 32 points for correct winner
Highest Possible Total: 250 points